Sunday, September 20, 2009

Silver Creek Falls near Salem Oregon

This is the second water fall along a hike that we took after a picnic. Luckily Grandma Adams reserved a pavillion because it was misting and raining and quite cool the whole time we were there.

Blake on a big stump
Brandon's turn.

Brazell Men
I thought this was a pretty flower along the trail.

Huge hollowed out stump with Blake in it.
They crawled through it.
Me and the boys in front of the tree.

Daddy and the tree.

Silly pose!

Brady, Dad, Aunt Lorraine, Shelby, Ryan and Sadie (Heather was sick in the car for this hike)

Brandon and Gracie, they were the best of buds the whole weekend.

Brandon and Aunt Whitney
Me and Blake

Brady and Blake touching the rocks.
The first falls we saw.
There was moss everywhere like on these branches.

Blake was posing like crazy on this hike, he thought there were so many cool things that he wanted his picture taken every few minutes.

The group that did the hike, or most of us. We are missing Shelby, Dad, Kinley, Loraine, and Ryan in this pic. And if you were wondering where Ben was in the previous pictures... as you can see he was with Tyson the tough marine who hike about 5 miles with a 23 pound kid strapped to him. I was very thankful I didn't have to strap him to myself. :)

This is the whole group but me.

What a stud!!

Kinley and Dad.
Ben was excited for our little adventure!

The picnic... notice all the coats.

Ryan and Sadie

Grandpa eating.
Part of our group.

Aunt Cherie... she'd kill me if she knew I posted this picture on the internet!! Ha, Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast, Jen!! I'm super envious! I miss hiking in the mountains and cool crisp weather!! Breath some fresh mountain air in for me, please!!! Hope you're doing well. Glad you get to have such fun family time! It's kind of cool because I think I've met just about everyone in the entire Adam Gang, so following your blog is that much funner! Take care. Is Brady done with school after this semester? Then what are the plans? glad someone FINALLY took a picture of you and you didn't have to take one of yourself, just to document that you were there! It's about time, huh??
