Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Snow of the Year

These are once again phone pics, only because there were easily accessible, I do have some on the good camera that I may post later, I just don't want to download them right now :)

Brandon and Blake and their first 2009 Snow Man!
Brandon made the head!

The boys and the "body".

The snow from my bedroom window!

We had our first snow during Potato Harvest Break. Yes, that's right we have a break for harvesting potatos because there are so many potato farmers around here and they needs their kids to help with the harvest. Anyway it was the 2nd week in October and we got a good wet snow so the boys were up and out an made that snow man before 9am. It was fun though and they did a good job especially with only a couple inches of snow!

St. Anthony Demolition Derby!!!

We went to the St. Anthony Demolition Derby with Tyson and Whitney around the begining of October I think... Anyway it was a lot of fun. None of us had ever been to a derby before, what they do is put a bunch of junk cars in this arena and then the cars run into eachother until only one car is still running. We saw some engines blow up, hoses blew up, and radiators too. As I am sure you can imagine the boys thought this was really awesome! Not only were the cars fun to watch but so were the fans, crazy people come from miles around to see one of these derbys. Wish I could have taken some discreet pictures of the fans!! Some of these people looked like the people on Jeff Foxworthy's redneck shirts!
Whitney got some so maybe she will get them on her blog.Oh and the best part was kids under 8 were FREE!

Blake getting a good view from the fence.
The cars coming in, not great once again a cell phone shot as I forgot the big camera.
Brandon enjoying the show.

That is smoke from the cars... not dust :)

Ty and Blake watching... that's right it was standing room only, all the seats were taken.

Me and Whitney!

The cars once again.

My boys Brandon, Brady, Ben and Blake is on the fence in the background.

Me and Ben, it was windy and kind of hard to keep you eyes open for a picture.
These cars actually drove to those spots even though they look like then have been in a crusher.

Madison County Fair!

We went to the Madison County Fair here in Rexburg around the end of September by the time we left that evening it was getting cold. Of course I forgot my camera so all of these are taken with the cell phone. We had a great time though and they had a rodeo going on at the fair that Blake loved! Along with all the animals.

Blake on the elephant ride.

They loved these motorcycles!

Look that them racing!
Blake found this ride a bit boring but the one before it was a roller coaster type ride in which they both cried at some point so we thought we would take it down a notch. I dont' have any pics of the scarey ride.... darn.

There was a bb gun shooting booth... and it was FREE!

Brandon and Daddy

Blake... looks like a pro!

He as making the booth guy laugh.
This is serious business, aiming.

Fun Pics from the last couple months!

These are a bunch of pictures from my cell phone, the kids love to have their picture taken with the phone. Some of them are pretty cute. The first three pics are crooked, sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate them. But if you look at Brandon (taken today) He has a fat lip. He fell down last night at the ball game and busted his lip and scraped his fore head and just under his nose. Poor guy!

Brady and Ben posing!

Blake eating pizza and showing his muscles.

Brandon too!
Brandon and I were in the car waiting for Brady to get out of class :)

This is Ben while we were waiting.

We were just home from one of Tyson's ball games and Ben crashed, so cute all bundled up!

Ben's first picnic with Brandon

Cute silly pose picture.

Ben wanted this straw sooo bad! This is at the new Crossroads in the MC on campus.
I know it's blurry but such a cute little pose!

Me and Ben messy around with the camera.

Ben on his first park swing!! He was sooo happy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Silver Creek Falls near Salem Oregon

This is the second water fall along a hike that we took after a picnic. Luckily Grandma Adams reserved a pavillion because it was misting and raining and quite cool the whole time we were there.

Blake on a big stump
Brandon's turn.

Brazell Men
I thought this was a pretty flower along the trail.

Huge hollowed out stump with Blake in it.
They crawled through it.
Me and the boys in front of the tree.

Daddy and the tree.

Silly pose!

Brady, Dad, Aunt Lorraine, Shelby, Ryan and Sadie (Heather was sick in the car for this hike)

Brandon and Gracie, they were the best of buds the whole weekend.

Brandon and Aunt Whitney
Me and Blake

Brady and Blake touching the rocks.
The first falls we saw.
There was moss everywhere like on these branches.

Blake was posing like crazy on this hike, he thought there were so many cool things that he wanted his picture taken every few minutes.

The group that did the hike, or most of us. We are missing Shelby, Dad, Kinley, Loraine, and Ryan in this pic. And if you were wondering where Ben was in the previous pictures... as you can see he was with Tyson the tough marine who hike about 5 miles with a 23 pound kid strapped to him. I was very thankful I didn't have to strap him to myself. :)

This is the whole group but me.

What a stud!!

Kinley and Dad.
Ben was excited for our little adventure!

The picnic... notice all the coats.

Ryan and Sadie

Grandpa eating.
Part of our group.

Aunt Cherie... she'd kill me if she knew I posted this picture on the internet!! Ha, Ha!