Sunday, September 20, 2009

Silver Creek Falls near Salem Oregon

This is the second water fall along a hike that we took after a picnic. Luckily Grandma Adams reserved a pavillion because it was misting and raining and quite cool the whole time we were there.

Blake on a big stump
Brandon's turn.

Brazell Men
I thought this was a pretty flower along the trail.

Huge hollowed out stump with Blake in it.
They crawled through it.
Me and the boys in front of the tree.

Daddy and the tree.

Silly pose!

Brady, Dad, Aunt Lorraine, Shelby, Ryan and Sadie (Heather was sick in the car for this hike)

Brandon and Gracie, they were the best of buds the whole weekend.

Brandon and Aunt Whitney
Me and Blake

Brady and Blake touching the rocks.
The first falls we saw.
There was moss everywhere like on these branches.

Blake was posing like crazy on this hike, he thought there were so many cool things that he wanted his picture taken every few minutes.

The group that did the hike, or most of us. We are missing Shelby, Dad, Kinley, Loraine, and Ryan in this pic. And if you were wondering where Ben was in the previous pictures... as you can see he was with Tyson the tough marine who hike about 5 miles with a 23 pound kid strapped to him. I was very thankful I didn't have to strap him to myself. :)

This is the whole group but me.

What a stud!!

Kinley and Dad.
Ben was excited for our little adventure!

The picnic... notice all the coats.

Ryan and Sadie

Grandpa eating.
Part of our group.

Aunt Cherie... she'd kill me if she knew I posted this picture on the internet!! Ha, Ha!

Next Stop the Beach!!!

After the aquarium we went to lunch at a place on the beach and then walked down to the beach afterward.

Blake is showing his toughness-- the water is FREEZING!!!
Heather and Whitney
Brandon chasing the waves.

The group that got wet.

Notice Blake is in his jeans I thought they would touch the water with their toes and be done with it. Well I climbed a ton of stairs to go get the camera and when i came back both the big boys were drenched in sea water.
He is looking at jelly fish they were washing ashore everywhere... probably not the safest time to play in the tide.

Here is one of the jelly fish, it was about the size of a dinner plate.

Ryan and Tyson... reminds me of when they were little boys :)

Next stop on the Oregon Trail... the Aquarium.

Our whole group (26) went to the Newport Aquarium as part of our family reunion. We rode on a charter tour bus there and it was quite fun. When we got there everyone needed to go to the bathroom so we took shifts. When I got back from the restroom half the group and my two older boys were gone. At first I was worried about Blake and Brandon but I knew they were with my cousing John and his wife Erica and my brother Ryan and Heather so after a few minutes Brady and I decided maybe we should just enjoy the aquarium with our one child for the moment Ben. :)

Brady and I... there arn't many of these kind of pictures anymore.

Ty and Whit

Water bird

Me pushing Ben

Ben is looking at seals swimming.

Gracie, John and Erica's daughter touching a sea anenome



Visiting Grammy and Gramps in Springfield Oregon

Our first stop on our trip to Oregon (around labor day) was to my Mom's parents; Grammy and Gramps. We had lots of fun with them. They took us and the kids on our first trip to Chuck E Cheeses. The boys loved it there. Just wish we had more time to visit. Oh, and Grammy had some of the best peaches and berry jam ever we ate tons while we were there:)
This is a great pic of Brandon and them on the porch. (Blake had the flu at this point)

There are tons of wild turkey's around their house.
Me and Ben playing around in the front yard.

Me and the kids with my Grammy in the front yard.

The boys arn't looking but it's a good one of me and grammy :)

Me and my Ben.

The boys playing in the yard .