Monday, February 22, 2010


There have recently been many changes for the Brazell Family. We moved a couple weeks ago, quite suddenly, to Tulsa Oklahoma from Rexburg Idaho. We had really come to love life in Rexburg and it was not an easy move to make. We drove through all the beautiful mountains and said good bye. Now we are in the land of rolling hills, and many Native American Reservations. We currently reside at the local Best Western while we wait for our apartment to become available. Brady got a job with a company that builds monolithic domes and so we may be moving quite often, but we are up for the adventure and feel very blessed and thankful to have a job in this tough economic time.

Our first day in the hotel, the boys said they were going to be like Zack and Cody from Disney Channel. I thought Oh NO!
Blake at his new school, by the mascot.

Ben in the hallway of our first hotel eating cheese puffs watching his brothers run up and down the hallway.

As close as we get to a nap lately.

This is a picture of a head wound... they are constant lately especially with our current tight quarters he trips over everything and hits chairs, table legs, dressers... you get the picture.
We have a Bass Pro Shop a few miles away so we thought we'd check it out, notice what all my boys found!

One great part about being in Oklahoma is that it is close to Texas and we got to go to may parents house this weekend for a kids fishing tournament at a little pond that they stock by the lake. Blake caught a perch... the pond was stocked with rainbow trout, go figure :)

A Little Catch-Up!

Sooo, I have really neglected the Blog lately so I thought I would publish a few pictures from the last couple months. These are all from my phone because I am too lazy to get out the good camera and see what is on it :) But hey I get most pics from the phone anyway because it is always with me!

Ben at Arctic Circle Playland in Rexburg

Boys and their toys!

Brandon's Birthday was Jan 18th. He loves Transformers!

All dressed up on their Christmas Cowboy Gear!

My Sweet Brandon!

Blake really acting the part!


Brady's Graduation Cake!! I promise to post more grad stuff later!

He was so Happy that day!

For some reason they decided to sit in the skillet!

Ben's turn!

Brandon and Ben

Me and kids at Halloween
Brady and the kids!

The boys and their newly carved pumpkins. Brandon wanted to keep his forever, he was devastated when we had to throw them away!