Friday, June 18, 2010

Job Update!

Brady was offered a job today as an Estimator for a Construction Company in Lewisville Texas, a communtable distance from our home in Collinsville. We feel so blessed that things have worked out so conveniently! We were already planning to move into our house this coming Wednesday and we just learned Brady will fill out paper work next Friday and work out some details and probably begin full time work the following Monday. Over the last month and a half there have been many things that seemed disasterous but in the end were for our benefit. I am so thankful to know that we have a Father in Heaven that loves us and watches out for us. Sometimes we don't understand why things happen or why certain things are not going the way we think they should but if we have faith they all work out in the end and we are able to look back and see the "why." We feel so blessed to have found a job especially in this economy. The Lord knew what kind of job and what kind of company we needed and made sure we were able to wait for that opening :)

I'll post more later, and some pictures of our new adventure in Texas with some old friends and family too!