Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Sunday Clothes for Ben

Ben has already out grown his 0-3mo sunday clothes so I had to buy him a new little outfit. I can't beleive he is already into the 6 month clothes. We think he is very handsome in his new clothes though. He is a very happy boy :)

I'm not sure if you can totally tell in these pictures but his eyes are still very blue, we are excited to see if they stay that way.

Ben The Football Player

We recently went to the Pediatrician for Ben's 2 month check up and he is in the 97 percentile for height at 25 inches and the 87 percentile for weight at 13 lbs 11 oz. I thought this sweat shirt was approriate given that this little boy is probably going to be a start center someday.

He's even practicing his game face!!

My Cute Boys All Dressed Up!

I took a few pictures of the boys this morning before church you can tell that Brandon is not too enthusiastic about getting dressed for church as he is only half done... missing the tie and shoes. Oh well we will take what we can get around here.


Yes they always look this guilty!! :)

Blake and Brandon were playing their favorite game, "Dog." This game became popular again after we left our dog Sally in Texas and moved to Idaho. Anyway they usually try to tie something around one of their necks and then they get in trouble because that is dangerous. This week they got creative and found a sewing measuring tape which Blake put in his mouth, the metal end. Blake was the dog and Brandon was the owner. Brandon jerked on the tape and one of Blake's teeth came right out. So we have been teasing Blake that he better be nice to Brandon or Brandon will knock out another one of his teeth. Here are a few pictures.